NFT Inspired Token Economy in Games

With NFT’s new token, three layers of mainstream blockchain will be served to gamers of all experience levels–including games with rewards, games with blockchain-mediated ownership of in-game objects, and games with real-world ownership of in

Top 4 NFT Play-to-Earn Marketplaces to Follow in 2022


Congratulations! Your game account has been confirmed. To learn more about the Play2Earn model, check out this blog post.

Your purchase of Actionable RPG stake tethered NFT assets has been confirmed. To find out more, please click on the “Get Started” link below.

Hi, you’re signed up for play2earn! We’ll have you start earning your winnings on Tuesday. Check your emails on Tuesday and Wednesday for more information on how to set up your account.

Thanks for joining our Crypto Games. Your wallet address will be generated and you can start playing to get those NFTs. All the best to you in your game.

Your nft’ subscription is about to start. We will keep you up to date on any new promotions with your subscription on the homepage. Let us know you’re still with us by confirming you’re still happy with your subscription here.

Thanks for joining the new generation of gaming. With the innovations of blockchain and the perks of mobile technology, Play-to-earn is here. Here is a quick overview on how to start with Play-to-earn and blockchain gaming.

Thanks for the email. We’re glad you find our blog helpful! We have sent an email on how to redeem your guaranteed earnings from one of the best NFT games. We appreciate your patience.

Thanks for requesting our newsletter. You’ll be the first to know about the top 5 Crypto NFT games that I play everyday and are FREE to join!

Hi! Welcome to Farmtown, the next-generation card game from Gameloft. Your Play-to-Earn game is now ready to unlock and play. No purchase is necessary to start. In the game, players cooperate to clear the decks and score enough victory points by winning or drawing cards. As the cards are depleted, more lucrative crops and other cards are unlocked. By purchasing player power

You’re getting a little late to the game, but we’re excited to talk about NFT games and make you some money! Just reply back on our email to the one who sent you this email.

Thank you for reading our site! We created this page to inform you about NFT gaming and help you explore the vast world of blockchain games. If you’ve found a game we’ve left out, please contact us! We’d love to know about your favorite project.

Thank you for joining our mailing list! We’ll send you emails that include the latest trends on NFT & Blockchain gaming. Stay updated with the latest gains on our blog and news on our Telegram.

Thank you for your reply. Congratulations on your interest in NFT-powered Play-to-earn games. You can learn more about this phenomenal opportunity by visiting our website by clicking the link below.

You just earned 101 x NFTs. Congratulations! You will then see the announcement on your personal profile.

Great! Now that you have a stable of Play-to-earn’s to play, it’s time to start earning money! You should start a promotion or tournaments. The theme of your promotion or tournament should be your favorite type of game.

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted for the best role-playing strategy game around. You are going to love the game! We hope you will have a lot of fun coming up with your NFTs and participating in our gaming community. Look for a response email in your inbox with your username, sign-up information, tutorial, and community rules.

Thanks for clicking this email. We’d like to introduce you to Play-to-Earn (G2E), a platform that can transform the way you earn, save and spend. With G2E, you will be able to leave a portion of your gaming earnings with us in an exchange for special benefits and rewards. For more information on what Play-to-earn is,

Your subscription to PlayToEarn was successfully processed. Thanks for purchasing our newsletter. You can now access the latest updates at

Thanks for your interest in Play-to-Earn! Play-to-Earn is a network that provides you with the latest Cryptocurrency and other games like World of Warcraft, Pokemon Go, and Hearthstone. If you have any further questions please

Hi {{name}}, thank you for your interest in our platform and token sale. The Play-to-earn model helps to decentralize the economy and empowers the individual by rewarding them with cryptocurrency. Use the token as a currency or trade with it on the blockchain. This is how we power a global economy using blockchain technology in some form with non-fungible tokens.

Thank you for checking out our Play-to-Earn Crypto Gaming: Beginner’s Guide ebook. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or issues.

Congratulations! You have signed up for our referral program for the Play token. For every 1000 Play tokens you receive in your account, you will receive a Metaverse NFT. And if you are lucky, you might even receive the Stower’s rare Play T-Shirt.

Your game is now reserved for you, along with the appropriate amount of NFTs or crypto. Here is a list of games, their start time, and prize pools. Thanks for your purchase!

We appreciate your correspondence determining if there are any restrictions to your play-to-earn benefits. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at the email below.


Play-to-earn virtual style metaverse

-An easy-to-use gaming platform that links traditional gamers with crypto-The platform is designed to allow players to purchase & trade shares of their games-GameFi is within the first 100 applications to the App Store

Top 4 Play To Earn Crypto Games 2022


The article you’re reading is a great read! Thanks for subscribing to our news and blog. To learn more about NFTs, hit reply to this email.

Thank you for your order! We’ll be in touch soon to complete your NFT purchase.

After your purchase, you’ll find the highest earning items like the NFTs have defaulted to earn. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you for your invitation to join our upcoming MVP play2earn contest. The contest is now closed. Congratulations to the winners and we hope that you enjoy playing Metaverse.

Yes, this transaction was successfully completed. At the time of this email we have transferred 10 NFT of your chosen payment account to your account.

We offer premium in-game NFTs which allow you to monetize your gameplay and collect the profits from in-game transactions. Now purchase your gaming items on a secure, blockchain-based marketplace.

Thanks for being a member of the Play-to-Earn community! Your reference to this email during in game will earns 10% of whatever is purchased on that day. Happy games!

Congratulations on your decision to buy some NFT (non-fungible tokens) for your new blockchain game. There are 3 easy steps to get started. 1. Start the blockchain game 2. Get the non-fungible tokens 3. Payout of the non-fungible tokens.

Thanks for visiting Mint Space! As a new member, Minty has invited you to instantly receive 500 NFT! To get started on selling your artwork, click the “Mint Space” icon on the top of your screen, then click on “Create An Account”.

Your PLAYTOEARN referral link has been sent to this email address. Check out Referral Play-to-earn Metaverse NFT Game now on Binance SCC:

Congratulations! NFT-powered play-to-earn games have quickly risen to become the fastest-growing sector of the crypto economy. This is an honor to have a subscription with you. Thank you for subscribing.

Thank you for your registration to our Play. Your lucky number is 12. Expect to earn one lucky ticket every hour during the event and win a NFT this Saturday!

Thanks for joining us on the NFT Market. We hope you have fun on your first adventure! Remember to spread the word about what you learn from our marketplace.

Thank you for your acceptance of our free-to-play and play-to-earn game with the integrated DeFi farming and NFTs. We appreciate your interest in our game development. Stay tuned for the launch of our game in 2020.

Hi there! We’ve noticed you’re interested in participating in a few of our best Play-to-earn games lately. Each time you play, you’ll get a different cryptocurrency or NFT. We hope you’re as excited as we are!

We can’t wait to show you our curator-curated list of best NFT games! Keep an eye on our site for new updates, or just check out the curated games!

Congratulations! We’re excited to see you in the sector. That being said, to ensure more consistent gameplay and a steady development, we’ve switched from basic ERC-20 to NFT-powered games. Register an account if you haven’t already, as these are the new standards for the game.

Hi there! Сheck out our weekly Play-to-Earn games for discounts on NFTs and crypto. Every Thursday, weekend and holiday, there is a different game, with unique prizes and a discount for our community.

We’ve got your non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for you! Just follow the prompts when you sign in and collect your in-game items.


How to Earn NFT’s and Bank on Cryptocurrency

You can get an idea of which crypto games can be profitable by reading this article through our play-to-earn game review.

Upcoming NFT Games To Earn Cryptocurrency In 2022


Congratulations! You now have a new Counterplay token in your NFT wallet.

We’d like to send you a guide to our crypto games and play-to-earn. In short, GameFi is a platform to earn, buy and sell crypto games. Look forward to it!

Thank you for your purchase! Your guide on how to invest in cryptocurrency has been shipped to your inbox. From FUT 16 to CryptoKitties, we’ll help you make your first step into the wild world of crypto games. Would you like to know more about GameFi? Visit

Here’s a quick confirmation: your registration for the NFT Games To Earn cryptocurrency has been received! Your experience and registration is important to us. Stay tuned to your email for updates on the game.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered to play these NFT games on the Metaverse with digital assets on the Play platform. Choose one of these games and send our 100K ‘Player’ token to your wallet!

Your NFT “Monster Slaying” game is now complete! As soon as the game ends, you will be able to claim your rewards in our dashboard. Have a great day!

We confirmed your transaction! Your NFT’s are now in your wallet. These tokens can be tracked to see the amount of crypto you’ve earned. If you have any questions, please contact us at the email in the signature, or hit reply to this email.

Congratulations! Your application has been submitted and you are now eligible to join the app. Be sure to connect with our live chat at 12pm est to get started.

We’d like to send you a guide to our crypto games and play-to-earn. In short, GameFi is a platform to earn, buy and sell crypto games. Look forward to it!

Thank you from the team for joining our revolutionary gaming system. Play-to-earn is a revolutionary gaming platform which provides blockchain-based digital gaming products and services. If you’re excited to start playing and earning, here’s a quick guide on how to get started.

Welcome to Play To Earn Games, we hope you enjoy our games. When you make a deposit, you will receive a Play-To-Earn card where you can earn NFTs, games, and other rewards.

Great! I was sorry to hear that you’re not quite sure what Play2Earn is. Here are the steps to get started.

Hello there! Thanks for joining up on our community of gamers and NFT enthusiasts. You can now purchase and spend our limited edition items for the first time on our website at . If you need further assistance, please contact us at the email in the signature, or hit reply to this email.

Thank you for making a purchase of GameFi. We’re glad you found it useful and hope you enjoy the book.

Your NFT Purchase has been delivered to your Jaxx wallet and it was successfully placed. Stay tuned for more information on the game!

Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter. We’ll be sending this to your inbox every time we publish a new article. With that, remember to click or tap on the title of the NFT game below to be redirected to the game page.

Your NFT “Monster Slaying” game is now complete! As soon as the game ends, you will be able to claim your rewards in our dashboard. Have a great day!

Hi there. We hope that you enjoy browsing through our new category of games, including our newest addition, Monopoly: Play-to-Earn. This revolutionary game offers players the chance to enjoy a great board game without releasing tokens into circulation and cause the ‘monopolization’ of the Monopoly name. Would you like to see Monopoly: Play-to-Earn in action? Simply our

Thank you for being a part of the Play-to-earn community. We’re excited to share more about our project for 2018. As of now, we’ll be linking your Play-to-earn account to your Ethereum wallet. From there, you’ll be able to enter the Play-to-earn world with your account at any time. For more details, please visit play

Thank you for the interest in 10 Top Play-to-Earn Crypto Games to Invest in 2022. The coin placements are not contingent on the ICO, its Q3 release, or any other factor. If you have any questions, please contact us at the email in the signature.

Your email has been confirmed for the NFT Insider newsletter.

Welcome to the blockchain with Playtotearn! You will now be eligible to play games where you win real world non-fungible tokens, like real estate or sports cars. For example, you might win a new Tesla driving your own avatar in a game. Keep an eye out for winning an NFT. We hope to see you in-game soon!

The subject of NFTs is a fairly fresh topic (they’re not quite a year old), but the concept of assets that represent real-life items that you can trade digitally is catching on. Here are the best gaming NFTs to think about.

Thank you for your email. Our team is currently reviewing these companies for possible coverage of Play-to-Earn Games with Benzinga. This will be the topic at a future time.

Congratulations, you have purchased a non-fungible cryptocurrency token that was created on the Play-to-earn games platform! Your ownership of the token is stored on the Ethereum blockchain, so you can enjoy the token even if we go out of business.

Welcome to Ark! Now you can play-to-earn games with blockchain technology, in the form of non-fungible tokens. We hope you’ll like the game and play often. Our tokens are NFTs.


Play-to-Earn Social Gaming to Win

Learn about blockchain gaming, NFTs, and how to earn crypto through gaming. Stay up to date on the latest news and information about play-to-earn, earning crypto through gaming.

Top 4 Play To Earn NFT Games In 2022 – NFT’s Street


I’m so excited to hear how you feel about Play-to-Earn! Let’s talk more about this new idea, please reach out at the email address in the signature. We’re always happy to hear feedback!

I’m sorry, I was unable to find any games with NFTs or Crypto. Are you looking for games where you can win free tokens, coins, rewards, or something else with real-life currency?

NFTs? Please send us a text to help us figure what’s up. We’re here to help! We’ve received an email about your registration for an NFT Casino. Thanks for signing up with us, the best place on the web to get these games.

Your email address is confirmed. Your account is now free and ready to purchase play Earn nft game. Your account is also free for other games in the Placewar series. Or you may ask for a refund by emailing

We hope you love the service as much as we do! Our team will reach out shortly with more updates and information for you, but we think you’re going to love Play-to-Earn and our blockchain gaming.

You have been granted a Play-to-Earn account. With your account from Play2Earn, you’re now able to earn crypto from the hottest games in the market. This will be a thrilling experience where you can earn store credits that that you can use to purchase store credits that you can then use to purchase games that are available on the Play2Earn platform. You can learn more about games

Thanks for signing up! Make sure to check in with us regularly for new articles, news, and up-to-date information about the latest in blockchain gaming, NFTs, and play-to-earn.

Hey! Thank you for participating in our game, now you can start playing! To start playing, you will need to purchase some non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which you can use to buy in-game content and trade with other players. After purchase, you will also be up to date with updates for your account. Your tokens will be ready in a few minutes, please

Hello, your Play-to-Earn journey has started. When you log in, you will see a Play-to-Earn video that gives you a recap of Play-to-Earn, the future of blockchain gaming, the process of earning a Crypto Gold token and how to earn with Play-to-Earn. Hit play to watch our introduction video!

Basketball is great! If you want to buy any amount of these NFTs at the cheapest price possible, please contact us at

Thank you for your interest in Play-To-Earn! We’ll get in touch with you to help you start earning in no time.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your name has been submitted to our waiting list. We’ll be in touch soon to award you with an exclusive invitation from

Hi there! Welcome to Play Games & Earn Crypto & NFT: You Play – We Pay Crypto! We have one last thing to get through before you’re all set – to keep you safe, we need you to complete the personal information verification steps. Once you’re done, you’re on your way to earning a big crypto payday!

Wow, you are a super big fan of Blockchain and NFT games. We’re so pleased to show you 5 of the best. We hope you’ll enjoy playing them as much as we do.

Thank you for signing up for earnings! You’ll now receive a personalized link to collect earnings on your new NFT. The first payments will post by Friday. If you need more details, feel free to contact us at


Get 50 NFTs (no purchase required)

-A place where players can assemble and enter a broad range of battles -Multiple ways to earn battle currency-Purchase in-game items-Guild creation allows players to jump in and start earning without having to enter the NFT

What is Play-to-Earn? These Are The Top Play-to-Earn Crypto


Thanks for clicking this email. We’d like to introduce you to Play-to-Earn (G2E), a platform that can transform the way you earn, save and spend. With G2E, you will be able to leave a portion of your gaming earnings with us in an exchange for special benefits and rewards. For more information on what Play-to-earn is,

You have successfully joined the list of our top 10 NFT games to play and earn cryptocurrency in 2021. Check out our website for more information about NFT games in the future.

We’ve just posted a new game on to earn cryptocurrencies. You can check it out now!

Thanks for your interest in playing to earn. We’ll be sure to pass this message on to the rest of the community. You can also message us at

Here are the best Play-to-earn games of this moment. Each game uses different mechanics to earn, while some will require an investment.

Your free event ticket for the Top 10 Play To Earn NFT Games In 2021 has been set. All you have to do is visit the site and fill out a short form. You’ll receive a contact email with all the details.

You have been invited to the Top 10 Play to Earn NFT games in 2021-2022. Here’re some quick steps to get started: 1) Answer a few simple questions about you and your gaming interests 2) In the next week, you’ll have a unique code that you can use to get one of these great games. 3) To get your code, just click the link in the

Hi! This is a message from NFT Placemaker. We’ve prepared a new NFT game where you can win UNIQUE items. Here’s how it works: we give away FREE tokens with your first deposit. You can then use those tokens to gamble for higher stakes. What you can’t do is convert those tokens back to cash. So, the opportunity to win the item is

Hi! Thank you for joining our newsletter. It’s great to have you on board. We’ll keep you updated with the latest on the latest Crypto & NFT Blockchain Gaming DApps & Virtual Worlds. Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest development on our website, as we will be announcing events, new games, and more.

Because you have been invited to join a NFT match, your purchase is being processed. Look for the notification email with your team captain’s name on it from the NFT match page. The payment should be processed and your account should be updated.

Hi James . Thank you for receiving your one-time referral link. This unique play-to-earn NFT offers amazing lifetime returns for investors and gamblers. Play your referral link inside our app and you’ll be rewarded with a free 3000 MPX, or players can simply log in and play normally to win MPX and other prizes!

Congratulations on your deposit. This is a great start on your winnings. Look for a Play NFT game invite with your deposit and be in the right place at the right time.

Your game is confirmed and will begin to earn you NFT (Crypto) for you to cash out. Remember to input your game ID in game, because this is how you will receive your earnings!

Thank you for visiting play2earn. We already know you are excited about our blockchain gaming platform. Let’s start with the basics. What is Blockchain hello? The Blockchain is the technology that will be powering our game development platform, where gamers can safely earn tokens, awards, and prizes. It has the ability to continuously host millions of transactions, every day.

Thank you for investing in the best crypto gaming. You’re all set up on these top 10 games, we hope you have a great time while you earn crypto and these NFT collectibles.

Great work! Your nft was successfully transferred to the Blockchain. Now you can trade it with friends. Thanks for supporting placewar by helping submit this play.

Thank you for your interest in Play-to-Earn (Play 2 Earn). We would like to offer you our guide to getting started with Play-to-earn and these actions to actions to help you get started quickly.

That’s it, you’re on our list! As always, we’d love to chat with you. Hit reply and send us your gaming honest or simply shoot us an email at

We’re excited to welcome the new year. We hope you’re just as excited! Here’s our top 10 picks for the best games to unleash your NFT goodness to the world in 2021.

You have been selected to be a part of the beta release of PlayToEarn! Your Play-to-Earn referral code is xxx. Thank you for being a part of the PlayToEarn movement. We hope the game is everything that you’ve envisioned.

Thank you for registering for a chance to win a free code to play a game on the NFT Metaverse. You’ve been entered into a draw wild card. The draw will take place on 08 Feb 2019 at 08:00 CST. You will need to play the game for a chance to earn points to enter the draw to win a free code.

Thank you for choosing the Play NFT Earning games, they can give you free tickets to the hottest clubs worldwide. Our system will automatically tell you when you have earned tickets to use.

Your subscription to is complete. Just sit back and wait for your game to be released in 2021.

Hey there! Great news! We’ve assembled our list of the finest games that you can earn NFT’s from playing this year. You can check them all out on our site, or just click “GET STARTED” to get started now.

Fiosbvz says :
You’ve been invited to join our launch event! Here’s what you’ll need to know: by participating in one of our games, you’ll be able to earn a free directorship share of a company in our Metaverse, as well as monthly points which can be redeemed for $1,000 worth of PlayToEarn tokens. We hope to see you there!

If you want to be one of the first to know about our top 10 NFT games in 2021, create your account today!

You’re already entered! Welcome to the Crypto & NFT Blockchain Gaming community. You’ll have instant access to the latest Crypto & NFT Blockchain Gaming news, promotions, discussions & promotions, and exclusive opportunities.

Thank you for signing up for PlayToEarn newsletter. We’re getting ready to roll out our list of the best blockchain games. Please remember to follow our blog for updates, and listen to our podcast for greatness.

Thank you for your interest in Top 10 Play To Earn NFT Games in 2021. When you place your order, please select the complete box for this website.

Welcome to the Top 10 Play to Earn list. In order to earn these NFTs you will have to play them in the Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress Ingress

We wanted to confirm that you’re a fan of NFTs. Let’s talk about your plans for the future.

We’re glad you want to learn more about GameFi. You’ll be able to explore our games and begin earning 50% of tickets back to our games, and 50% of the tickets received by our games from the players who earn them. You’ll also be able to access the Gamefi app in the app stores that you normally use.

Here’s a quick confirmation: your registration for the NFT Games To Earn cryptocurrency has been received! Your experience and registration is important to us. Stay tuned to your email for updates on the game.

You’ve found something special. Your recent order is already at its third state of production! We’re excited to work with you to create the perfect Play-to-earn.


Related Sites:

Compete to win NFT (non

Be an art collector and a player in your favorite games with play-to-earn. Join the Magazine today and start earning NFTs in your favorite games.

Top NFT (Play-to-Earn) Games You Need to Know in 2022


Your NFTs have been successfully received. That’s an early win for you! If you need assistance moving your NFTs to other wallets, please contact support at

You can now buy and sell your NFT art here at Mint Space – the simplest NFT marketplace. Congratulations for unlocking the best artist on this planet!

Hi Lisi! Your NFT purchase is confirmed. Please follow the instructions in the email sent to you.

Your NFT account has been activated! And it has been confirmed that your email address is authentic. For now, feel free to start playing the game!

An email with a digital token for extra NFTs was sent to your email address.

Your request for a purchase of NFT games has been approved. All purchased games have been added to your account and you can start playing immediately.

You have successfully registered for the NFT games. Remember to follow the terms of service and the cooldown periods, and have a great time!

Thank you for joining the NFT Collectibles. Please select the “My NFTs” tab in the top right corner of the main screen. On this tab, you’ll be able to see your first two earnings.

You have been invited to participate in our beta phase and have been given a chance to earn NFTs for playing games. To get started, click the link below to enter your beta key.

Your NFT has been submitted for our next acquisition round. Can’t wait for the day when your favorite game is the one on our site? Stay tuned!

Thanks for taking the first step of playing the hottest games in the world where you earn real cryptocurrency and prizes. The link below includes everything you need to know about gamefi and our blockchain entertainment.

Hi, congratulations! We’re excited to welcome you to the new GameFi platform. Please use your email on file below to log in and play your favorite games. Let us know if you need any help.

Thank you for your purchase! We’re incredibly excited to bring our NFT games to the world. If you haven’t completed your purchase, you can sync your game card with your digital wallet. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or comments.

Thank you for your interest in Play-to-Earn Crypto Gaming! We will be in touch soon for more information about how to qualify for your first Gambit.

Woohoo! You have successfully purchased your first NFT art! We will check for the transaction tomorrow and send you a note once the art is yours.

Thank you for joining the community. We hope you enjoy and play enough to earn the token and the achievement badge. Don’t forget to visit for more games and activities to earn gamefi Tokens.

That dream is increasingly becoming a reality with the rise of NFT play-to-earn gaming gaining significance within popular culture

Here are the best Play-to-earn games of this moment. Each game uses different mechanics to earn, while some will require an investment. That’s the fun, take a look and we’ll see you again later!

We have received your request to open a Play-to-earn Binance Metaverse NFT game account. We will send you an email shortly. Thanks for the referral, this is the first of many more we will be sending out for new accounts.

Thanks for submitting a play-to-earn game request. We’re starting to build out these new game listings and will let you know more soon.

Dear Binance User, We are excited to introduce the world’s first play-to-earn game! Interested to see how the game will unfold? You can now join the game without deposit on the in-game official website or the Binance NFT trading market.

We see you’re interested in playing Metaverse NFT, our multi-player, multi-chain game! Here’s how to begin. For more information, please refer to our community, Discord. Thank you and bye!

Thanks for signing up. Our team is busy building our publication, so we’ll be sending you some exclusive paid content. Additionally, we have set up a members only chat channel and discord. There’s also a thriving community on steemit called “Play-to-earn” composed of individuals who are trying to make money through playing games. You’ll find more information when you log in.

Your purchase of the NFT Collectibles, Gaming Metaverse, has been confirmed. You should receive a note from the developer on how to start your account. Thank you for your purchase and your journey to the Play!

Your account at is now confirmed and active. For more information on how to learn how to explore the NFT space, please visit the website. We hope you enjoy your time with the community.

Your subscription to PlayToEarn was successfully processed. Thanks for purchasing our newsletter. You can now access the latest updates at

Thank you for choosing to play Earn nft game – blockchain metaverse. We hope you enjoy your time on the blockchain and all of the different game types that we offer.

Thanks for joining the community and welcome. Remember, you can earn any cryptocurrency at the by joining our site. All you need is some free time and to learn a skill. We’re increasing our team, so you’re sure to find a great job!

Welcome to the Play to Get NFT! We celebrate the occasion by giving away a special few Crypto Games for our Community members to get their hands on and play during the celebration.

Thank you for joining us. We hope this email helps guide you into the world of NFT gaming. We’ve attached a list of some of the best games with reviews, links to latest news and more for your convenience. Happy Gaming!

The best games to play: NFTs 《CryptoKitties》, 《Cryptoart》 and 《CryptoCelebrity》. Get started and reach 5000 satoshi with EPLAY.

Ta-da! We found the best Play-to-earn games of this moment. Another way that we offer personalized guidance for everyone.

Congratulations on your subscription to our magazine! You will be the first to read about the latest in the world of blockchain gaming, NFTs and Play-to-earn opportunities from the team at play to Earn.

Thanks for the great application! Our team will review your proposal and we’ll get back to you soon. If you have any questions, you can reach out to our team at

Thanks for signing up! It was great to receive you as a member of our community. You’ll now start receiving news from our team to stay up-to-date on the latest crypto-n-ft blockchain gaming dapps & gaming virtual worlds type of stuff. Please ensure to check your email for the latest updates!

Thank you for registering your interest in the NFT Collectibles game. We’re excited to work with you when the beta game launches at the end of April. We’ll give you a heads-up on when the beta game is ready. If you would like to participate in the beta game, please sign-up here:

Thanks for signing up to Play2earn. We noticed you haven’t received an account confirmation email. Please click the “Confirm account” button in the confirmation email to complete your account registration. Welcome aboard!

Hello! I’m ____ with the Play-to-earn team and I’d like to invite you to take part in our Presale for the Non-fungible token project. With your help we can help show the world that the financial industry is not too complicated for the everyday person to understand. If you want to learn more about the project, please visit our website.

Your free-to-play pixel gaming platform for having fun, earning crypto coins and NFTs is now ready for you to play! Click the link in the email to give our gamemaker a quick tour

Thank you for signing up! I hope you’ll enjoy our list of top 10 best NFT games to play & earn crypto currency in 2021. We hope that we’ll be able to stay in touch.

Congratulations for reaching this milestone. Please help notify all your friends about this great new game, and refer them and help them to win their own NFT and DXT. Winners will be rewarded with $BTC, $ETH and $NFT.

Thanks for your interest in Play-to-Earn! Play-to-Earn is a network that provides you with the latest Cryptocurrency and other games like World of Warcraft, Pokemon Go, and Hearthstone. If you have any further questions please

Just a quick note. Your order has been shipped and is currently on route. To track your purchase and enjoy your rewards feel free to visit and follow the instructions. If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Thanks, that’s great news. We’ll send you a confirmation email when the sale launches. In the meantime, start following Crypto & NFT Blockchain Gaming DApps & Virtual Worlds on our subreddit!

Would you like to be a part of the Play-to-earn lottery?

We’re so excited we got your tickets! You’ll be exchanging your tickets for an estimated 6-8 NFT at the Play. Let us know if you need help exchanging.



Register for free and receive your free NFT

-Game is based on Pokemania.-NFTs?-Players can earn Oreo’s by playing the game

Big List of Best NFT Games to Play in 2022


Please review your PLAY-to-EARN earnings! If you have any questions, please contact us at the email in the signature, or hit reply to this email.

The 10 NFT games listed below deliver a diverse range of gameplay; from breakout to puzzle to strategy. All of these games come with a short tutorial and have a high return on investment that can make you thousands.

Thank you for joining our community of gamers & NFT enthusiasts. We hope this turning point is a happy one for you. Remember, our products are limited edition and run on limited quantities.

Your order for the Play To Earn Cryptocurrency Card Game powered by NFTs has just been processed. Look for your Gift Package in the mail. The game will play like a mix between old-school battleship and Jenga. If you have any support questions, please contact us at the email in the signature, or hit the reply button. Thanks for supporting the game!

We can’t believe it’s been 10 years since the most recent World Cup. And despite the fact that this is the #1 sport in the world, there haven’t been many great games to play and enjoy. Until now. We have compiled the top 10 games to play in order to get your NFT collection going in 2021.

Get set for free up to $165 worth of SWAG! Click the “Get Started” link to get started on your Play-to-earn adventure.

Congratulations, you’re now part of our new gaming community. We couldn’t wait to meet you! To celebrate your new journey, we’re giving you a Super NFT pack so you can start playing immediately.

Welcome to the Play To Earn network—the world’s first and only game powered by NFTs! In order for our game to function, we’ll need to collect some information about your game. When you get to the game’s homepage, fill out the short form and your information will be sent to our LiveOps team. You can also use the “Start Game” button in the bottom-

Thanks for connecting with us! We’ll have a page dedicated specifically to NFT trading on our site, soon. If you decide to purchase one of these limited edition items, be sure to snap it up quick.

We wanted to let you know that you have successfully completed the registration process for your NFT Token. You can now log in with your new unique username and password to purchase and trade your token.

Thanks for requesting our newsletter. You’ll be the first to know about the top 5 Crypto NFT games that I play everyday and are FREE to join!

Thanks for your email. For those are not familiar with Play-to-Earn, this platform rewards gamers by offering exclusive in-game items. With blockchain technology, the platform protects gamer rights. Play 2 Earn also rewards gamers with online advertisements. Play-to-Earn is available globally.

Thank you for choosing Axie Infinity, our most popular Play-to-earn game. You helped make Artemia our #1 Play-to-earn on the app store and we appreciate your support!

Congrats! You’re now one of the initial players in our Play-to-Earn online game. Our team will start processing your job application within 30 minutes. Thank you for your interest in Play-to-Earn!

Welcome to Town Star! If you missed the chance to buy the special one-time-only $10 pack of NFTs, don’t worry. You can sign up to play Town Star today, start earning NP and get your hands on some exclusive content + a prize pack!

Thank you for your interest in our cryptocurrency card game powered by NFTs! Your card was issued in your account. If you do not already have a wallet, be sure to download one! We hope you enjoy it and hang out in our community.

Your account has been confirmed, now your game can load. The first 25 days are free to play and earn NFTs. Do you have any questions?

Your free-to-play and play-to-earn game has now been deployed on the blockchain. Please note that you will need to download the wallet we provided you with to complete this process.

Thanks for coming! We’re still in the process of investing in our DeFi farming and NFTs platform. If you want to buy in and get a chance to be part of a new way of gaming, register here:

Welcome to the Play-to-earn model.

If you’re interested in the Play-to-EARN virtual style metaverse, you’ve designed by hand and can register at

Here’s the game list for you:

Fantastic, thank you for joining our NFT community! Our team is excited to help you learn more about this new world and excited to learn more with you!

Thanks for signing up to receive email updates from your favorite Crypto NFT games! We are excited to share with you more about these NFT games daily. What to expect: as soon as the email arrives, you’ll find a blog post dedicated to your Crypto NFT game. What to expect: as soon as the blog post arrives, you’ll receive a push notification. If you have any questions

I’m very excited to tell you all about the upcoming ICO by PlayToEarn. It’ll be 10/15/2018, please sign up on the website to get your exclusive bonuses and information on this exciting cool project.

Welcome to Town Star! I’m excited that you chose to join our community of gamers and NFT enthusiasts, and I hope you will enjoy the journey. Your limited edition NFT has been added to your profile, we hope you have fun with it.

Congrats on the launch of your new Play-To-Earn games. We’re excited to see how people are going to make money now.

Thank you for submitting the PlayToEarn list! We will work on developing the article and publishing it shortly. We hope you had a great day.

I wish someone had told me about this NFT play-to-earn gaming concept when I was a kid! Hey, I can’t wait to see the amount of NFTs that you earn!

Congratulations to you on your New Year’s Play win, which was 100% guaranteed. Just find the email with your NFT balance in your inbox and click the “Dashboard” link to claim your cards.

You’re not currently Play-to-earn. Once you’ve finished your KYC and are ready to start earning please email us and select the correct form. We need a token in order to process your request.

You have recently purchased a Play-To-Earn Game. Go ahead and make enquiries with the company in the subject line.

Great! You’ve just joined our free crypto NFT games! We look forward to the challenges ahead!

Hey! Don’t forget to play low! To complete the process, your highest earning NFTs like Euchre Diamond 6s will now be the ones to earn (defaults to allow you to earn in-game). You will still be able to lose the game or not earn the cards at all.

Here are the top 4 most popular Play-to-earn games of this moment. Each game uses different mechanics to earn, while some will require an investment.

Thank you for your interest in NFT GAMES. As a token of our appreciation, please accept our invitation to participate in the upcoming games to earn cryptocurrency. We have a tutorial so you can start earning today at

Thank you for the interest in our Play-to-Earn program! We’re excited for you to start earning cryptocurrency playing your favorite games. The first in this series of guides is ready for you to download.

Hi Brandon, I’m glad you’re interested in learning more about the P2E games that use the immutability of blockchain to build in-game items and rewards as NFTs. As stated in the job posting, please follow the instructions below and send me an email at We should be able to start working on the project right away.

Thank you for joining Play-to-Earn! We will soon begin your journey and help you earn your first crypto. Please follow the link below to learn more about the basics of crypto gaming and stay tuned on our social media channels for more updates.

Your registration for the upcoming games on NFT is confirmed. We’ll send you a note when the games will be available, and we hope to see you in the real-world soon!


Earn Crypto Through Gaming with NFT Content

Town Star by Gala Games: Play to Earn Crypto NFT Game TownStar By Gala Games

4 Best Play-to-Earn Crypto Games in 2022


Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter. We’ll be sending this to your inbox every time we publish a new article. With that, remember to click or tap on the title of the NFT game below to be redirected to the game page.

Sorry, your email address has been marked as spam. This email is to confirm your registration for our NFT Community. Our NFT Community is for anyone that wants to come and learn about the latest technology in the industry. If you want to stay connected, please confirm your email below.

You’re going to love this! Check out our Play To Earn Games using NFTs today. You may purchase NFTs from our tokens page and play to earn in one of the games with our referral link on the dashboard.

We are excited to share your Order on NFTs with you. As promised, we will send you a list of games that are available for our NFT. The next step is to identify the game that you want to be in.

Congratulations! You’ve earned your first item from Play-To-Earn. Our goal is to provide ample incentive for people to actively participate in our community, so to celebrate your win, we’re sending you 100,000 Nexo. It can be used for anything. Thank you for participating.

Welcome to NFT. You’ve just received an email containing information about earning NFT in upcoming games. You’ll also receive an email containing information about what to do after the order is processed.

Your NFT has been safely transferred to our NFT vault for the time being. We will send you your access details to the Vault soon. In the meantime, please press “Like” on our Facebook page and Follow us on twitter to stay updated with developments.

Wow, you are a super big fan of Blockchain and NFT games. We’re so pleased to show you 5 of the best. We hope you’ll enjoy playing them as much as we do.

We have confirmed your membership to the NFT Community. This email will be the only one we send (so make sure to check your spam folder). You’ll need your Metamask or Mist browser with or without the NFT Community app to join the community.

The NFT has been sent out to your email. Please access the graphic attached to your email and click the “Claim” button on the left of the graphic to access your NFT to start playing.

Interested in a gaming platform that rewards you for playing? Well now you can join your community and start playing in the world of Town Star! Click the ‘JOIN COMMUNITY’ button below to buy simulation NFTs and earn Plays.

Would you like to join the A NFT Community Aiming to Shape the Play-To-Earn Space in the East, a.k.a Metaverse Ape Organization?

Welcome to Play To Earn Games, we hope you enjoy our games. When you make a deposit, you will receive a Play-To-Earn card where you can earn NFTs, games, and other rewards.

Hello, we wanted to reach out and let you know we’re starting a new community geared towards providing opportunities for everyone. Our community is called Metaverse Ape Organization, a NFT directed project we’re hoping to start. Check out our NFT profile at

We can’t wait to see you on the battlefield. To confirm your account, please fill out the form below:

Your request is on its way. On our next cycle, you’ll battle to control a fallen paradise. To learn more, please read “Earn nft game – blockchain metaverse”

We have noticed that you have received 5 GameNFTs. Once you have logged into your account, click on the games in either the Games of the Week or Featured tabs to play some games and start earning rewards!

NFT is making games a great pastime again. It has revolutionized the gaming industry by making players get into the gameplay.

The game outcome for the game “Blockchain game powered by NFT has been finalized and you should expect your winnings shortly. Going forward, GAME OVER!

Blockchain games have been growing in popularity over the last year. They’re not just virtual. It’s like holding an actual token of ownership, but in this case, it’s digital. For deeper insights about NFTs, check out our new blog post on Wix’s blog.

Sorry for the delay in getting this email to you, but we hope your NFTs are coming with no problems. This email is to let you know that we’ve integrated a new digital asset storage solution that supports Ethereum-based non-fungible tokens. These digital assets can be given human like characteristics and/or can be traded on a decentralized market like trading card game cards. Attach

Congratulations! You’re one of the first to receive an NFT token. However, it doesn’t mean you’re close to winning the Super Contest! To learn more about upcoming contests, log in to your account at

You’ve made a great choice on how to spend your time. Thank you for signing up for us. We plan to email you about upcoming guides and articles about NFTs, ICOs, and blockchain gaming.

You have entered the blockchain metaverse using a special link from Earn nft. Once you enter the game, you’ll be given your 30 free coins. What’s the next step?

Your NFT collection has been activated. If you don’t see your collection on the site, try refreshing your collection.

Hello, thank you for your interest in joining #NFT. We have some games in development that we think you’d enjoy. In order to test-drive the games, we need players to fill out some short surveys and enter their email addresses. When this process is complete, we will contact you.

Your journey begins with the Battle and you can mix it up with the rest of the world. You’ll have the chance to earn amazing rewards. You’ll also get 15,000 BBLTC to start your journey with. You can discover a new world of opportunities in Blockchain games powered by NFT.

Congratulations! Your subscription has been created. We hope to keep you informed about the very latest developments in the world of play-to-earn. The first issue is due to go out on the first of next month.

Congratulations to you for joining us at the Leading Play-to-Earn Multiplayer Battle Gaming Ecosystem, built on the blockchain! We hope you enjoy playing our battle games, with the added bonus of being able to earn tokens by completing tasks, and use the rewards to play more games. We hope to see you on the battleground soon!

Welcome to the NFT Games & Play To Earn Media Portal. We have created several guilds for our members to choose from that might be right for you.

Here you go! Your free NFT is on its way! Be sure to go to our website at to get started.

Thank you for registering your account on our platform. We have listed some of the games found on our platform. If you want to start working on your stakes, please check out our “PlayToEarn” page.

Thank you for joining play to earn! Follow the instructions below for your bonus NFT and be sure to check your email for update instructions on how to redeem it.

We hope you enjoy the content of our website. Please keep checking back to learn more about Play-to-Earn gaming and how to invest in blockchain. We are here to help anytime!

Hi! You have created your own account in the world of Play-to-earn. Welcome to the world of Play Erendain! Our virtual world is 100% free to explore, build and design your own game!

Thanks for joining us today on the blockchain. You are welcome to play our game “Who’s in control?” The game is powered by NFT and will be out on Kickstarter soon. Grab your passcode here to get access before the game launches.

You’re going to love the new PNTG site. You can login to your account below and have a look around. If you’re thinking of turning your favorite sport into an NFT or crypto, we’ll earn your loyalty.

It’s been great getting to know you! As a token of our appreciation, we have sent you 5 games you can play on our gaming platform to earn cryptocurrency rewards. Tokens are able to be used to buy gear, upgrades, and more from our store at If you were not able to receive the email with your personal code, or you’d like to learn more about


Learn how these NFT games can make you money.

Playing the best blockchain games to earn crypto and tokens is confusing.After: Playing to earn means you’ll find exactly the game you’re looking for by browsing through our list.Bridge: With PlayToEarn, you’ll get rewarded for playing the best new crypto and tokens games.

Top 4 Play To Earn NFT Games


This email confirms that you have subscribed to a list of new NFT games which will provide you with a new introduction to the ethereum blockchain. The new games will allow you to earn cryptocurrency. A daily newsletter will continuously alert you to new opportunities. Click “log in” below to subscribe now.

You have been chosen to take part in our Pre-Sale and get your desired number of NFTs in advance. We will be able to complete your Initial Coin Offering in 2018. Look forward to your share of a new world-changing idea.

What’s up, bro? This email confirms that your 10 Top Play-to-Earn Crypto Games to Invest in 2022 was just sent to you! We will not share, sell, or send your email address to any third party. If you want to get back in contact with us, we’re here for you at Thanks, and good luck!

Your top 5 Crypto games have been saved to your inbox! Welcome to your daily news & reviews. Don’t forget to join these NFT games to keep on top of the latest trends.

Congratulations! Your NFT games account has been enabled for NFT trading. Trading starts on Thursday, October 25th, 2017. Weekend battles from October 27th to October 29th are eligible for 10% extra tokens. Remember that you open the market prices for these tokens, but you will earn more if you sell your tokens to players.

Interesting! We want to help you get started using your Play-to-earn account and trading your Play-to-earn token for bitcoin. Check out this hypothetical Play-to-earn game for more information on how to buy and use Play-to-earn tokens.

Yes, we have received your email in regards to the NFT Games. Your case will be reviewed to determine if you are eligible for free subscription. Thank you!

Thank you for your order! Your GameFi has just started! We’ll be sending you a new welcome email with more information.

Thanks for signing-up! If you want to learn more about the benefits of using smart contracts and NFTs in your games, let us know. We’ll send you an email when we have a special project to share.

Congrats! You’ve been chosen to play in the Earn nft game in the blockchain metaverse. Now that you’re here, you will inevitably receive a network token in your inbox, which you will use to participate in the game.

My Play launches its first referral Play-to-earn Metaverse NFT Game! Follow these steps to get your exclusive NFT:

Hey! We have received your submission to participate on the First Referral Play-to-earn Metaverse NFT Game on Binance Smart Chain. We’re super happy you found your way to our Metaspace, and we hope you win some great prizes!

Send along ideas for games you want to see in the Play-to-earn collection and earn tokens on your favorite games. We’re already getting your submissions down below.

Thanks for visiting! Would you like to receive future Blockchain NFT news and updates? (Just kidding…we’ll see how that goes). Fine, you’re still welcome to interact with us on our website or social media.

Congratulations you won a referral! Thank you for signing up for my Metaverse NFT game on Binance Smart Chain. You can find your referral link below in the signature.

Thank you! You’re one step closer to the future of blockchain. We hope you’ll enjoy these digital securities. The NFTs can be found in your Blockchain wallet.

Thank you for joining us for a thrilling list of the best new NFT games coming in 2021. Once the games have launched, we’ll send you a short update about the process of becoming a full-fledged gamer.

Welcome back to the blockchain metaverse! Please notice that your PLAY TO EARN NFT has expired. We’re sorry for any inconvenience and hope you enjoyed your time with us.

Hello! Our team is so excited to have you joining us! This is just the beginning! We will be in touch soon with more updates. Welcome to PlayToEarn!

Thanks for agreeing to try out Nexon’s NFT game! We hope to see you in game soon.

Aha! Your email confirms that you’d like to be notified of upcoming NFT games.

Thank you for purchasing our top NFT Blockchain Games and Crypto Coins.

Thank you for your order for the game Cryptokitty! Your purchase is confirmed and you can watch the CryptoKitty in the NFT game.

Welcome to GameFi! We are so glad you’ve chosen to join our community. Enjoy your new membership and please sign up for the newsletter to keep up to date with all of our latest news and content.

It’s time to enter the world of crypto gaming and play-to-earn with GameFi! Give’s a brief introduction to the future of games and how GameFi’s technology will revolutionize the way gaming is done in the 21st century. Help us spread the word and find out more by following these steps:

Thank you for your interest in Top NFT Blockchain Games and Cryptocurrency. Your information has been updated in our database. Please click on the ‘Home Page’ link to see your new certificate.

The Town Star community is growing by leaps and bounds! Members are joining this new healthy, fun, and interesting community of gamers and NFT enthusiasts and, as a thank you for joining, we’re giving all of our members a Play Token. Ready, Set, Go!

Congratulations on joining the Town Star community. We want to introduce you to the game so that you may customize your profile, set up your first Town Star, and buy your own game edition with limited edition NFTs. Remember that you can buy, win, or trade your game edition to another player at any time!

Your crypto investments are registered for the upcoming NFT games. Get your tickets early before the tickets sell out.

Thank you for your purchase! Your guide on how to invest in cryptocurrency has been shipped to your inbox. From FUT 16 to CryptoKitties, we’ll help you make your first step into the wild world of crypto games. Would you like to know more about GameFi? Visit

Welcome to your new NFT! Take your new BFF out for a spin on our platform, and see how the best NFTs are made. You can purchase your first Town Star now, and learn how the platform works. We look forward to seeing you around!

Hi there! Welcome to Play Games & Earn Crypto & NFT: You Play – We Pay Crypto! We have one last thing to get through before you’re all set – to keep you safe, we need you to complete the personal information verification steps. Once you’re done, you’re on your way to earning a big crypto payday!

Thank you for making a purchase of GameFi. We’re glad you found it useful and hope you enjoy the book.

Congratulations! Your application has been submitted and you are now eligible to join the app. Be sure to connect with our live chat at 12pm est to get started.

Here’s a quick confirmation: your registration for the NFT Games To Earn cryptocurrency has been received! Your experience and registration is important to us. Stay tuned to your email for updates on the game.

Your NFT “Monster Slaying” game is now complete! As soon as the game ends, you will be able to claim your rewards in our dashboard. Have a great day!

Congratulations on your upcoming NFT games to earn cryptocurrency! We’ll send you an e-mail when they go live.

Thank you for contacting NEO’s A NFT Community. Your application has been reviewed and made part of the community. We look forward to working with you on many exciting projects.


Can get started with play2earn

For the past 5 months, NFT has been building a flexible global community around video games, blockchain technology, and non-fungible tokens. We’re excited to support the community’s development with conferences, development prizes, and more.

Top Play2Earn Crypto and NFT Games


You may have recently received an email with a link to our game. Our community game lets players buy and play competitive games where skill and strategy matter, but so do innovative NFTs. Welcome!

NFT Games are blockchain-based games with tokenized in-game assets that may be collected as non-fungible tokens by players (NFTs).

We’ve added you to our upcoming NFT games page. These games will give you the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency. To support these games, you can buy sell and trade NFTs in our marketplace. Why not start making a name for yourself now?

Thank you for purchasing an NFT game! Your assets have been listed on Playgendary, and can now be collected by the winner.

You’ve joined You’ve joined Play to earn Crypto games. Here’s what to expect: your past purchases and earnings are saved. You can now withdraw up to 10X total earnings upon reaching the 10% withdrawal frequency. We hope they are the start of many more happy news to come!

You’re enrolled to play to earn! Click on “Account” in the menu for the latest crypto & NFT Blockchain gaming dapps & virtual worlds information

In new P2E game, players earn “NFTs” that can be redeemed for special offers on influencer brands. The game uses WIX’s Single-sign-on for seamless-user experience and eGameCoins as the native token.

Welcome on the crew, here’s what to expect: the app is your portal to the PlayToEarn crypto and non-fungible-token games. Who knows what prize awaits you?

Your Play-to-Earn transfer has been confirmed. We’ll be sending you an email with your unique referral link. Some verification information is required before the referral link can be sent. Please do not reply to this email.

Your order is in process and we will contact you when it’s ready for delivery. You will receive an email when the goods arrive. The memory card works for all our games and can be used with either GameFi or by itself when playing on a non-networked computer.

Thank you for connecting with PlayToEarn. To start, please enter your email address at sign-up confirmation or contact us at

Your purchase of the item “Play NFT earning games & earn on the ultimate gaming rewards platform for gamers. Download & Play free games, earn points & convert them easily to valuable crypto” was successful! You can access your purchase and claim your reward in the game portal on the game’s public-private NFT games list. Have a game on us!

Your purchase of the Best NFT For Investors in 2022 is complete. In the email you’ll get a copy of what you bought and that you’re welcome to return it if you’re not completely happy with your purchase.

Thank you for the purchase! A new game, “Linear Farm” is now available for you to explore. It’s free to play and allows you to explore the game with an in-game donor. To create your NFTs, try out your farming strategies!

We have successfully sent your email order to you. One of our NFT traders will be in touch in the next 48 hours to start getting your order on the books – check your inbox NOW!

Hey there, I am sure you’ve seen some of our press coverage on Play2Earn. Simply by buying games from the app, you have the potential to earn free games from us, or from other app partners. Our platform is x4x the size of Fortnite and just our own engine runs on over 40k nodes! There is a lot of hype around Play2Earn and we

Thank you for joining our Play-to-earn game! We’ll need your email address and a few details before we can start your account.

Thank you for joining our community on a new type of platform. We are still working on bringing NFTs to the platform, but we hope you’re excited to be a part of the first platform of it’s kind.

What’s up, NFT enthusiasts? We’re excited to have you join the team.

Your registration to list your game on NFT.GAME has begun. Please share your public sale email address with our team. Each sale would require you to complete a KYC where we would require your ID verification.

Hi there! Thanks for your interest in our games. NFTs like yours are at the core of our games and are used as the currency that players use to move around the world and win prizes. Check out our website at to see how you can get started. Remember to always leave a review!

Welcome to Play-to-Earn Online Magazine. We’re so happy to have you on the team. Here’s a quick primer for new members: “Play-to-Earn” is a new type of currency that can ONLY be earned by playing games.

The promised land to game gurus! We are overjoyed by your interest for Play-to-earn. Here’s a quick link to start playing crypto games to bring in profits. With CryptoJacks, you can start earning crypto for playing games with play money.

It’s crazy, but your NFT is now created. You can find your brand new token on the token exchange!

Welcome to the Play-to-earn! The first gardening step is to get your market garden up and running. To get started, head over to the market garden guide and start your farm today.

Thanks for signing up for a free-to-Play and Play-to-earn game with the integrated DeFi farming and NFTs. This is a game where you can earn both crypto and doggie treats, providing incredible value and convenience.

Congratulations on signing up to be a part of the upcoming NFT Games! You are the first of many players to join this large, global competition. Once your registration closes, you will receive a message from us with a code. The purpose of this email is simply to give you a heads-up email to let you know you are being added to the list. Get ready for some profitable cryptography!

Congratulations on being selected as a featured writer for Ebony’s latest issue, on top of being a featured contributor. Here is your article’s subject line: “Guide to Best Crypto Games and NFTs.”

Welcome to Play-to-earn! Your access time will soon be over. However, feel free to come back anytime.

I enjoyed speaking with you today. I’d love to talk more about Node-Based Game & NFT Ecosystem. Why not follow me on Twitter and we can schedule another interview?

I hope everything went well! Please check your email later today for a follow-up email and all the details about the Node-Based Game & NFT Ecosystem.

We have something exciting planned for you this month. Join the queue to earn NFTG tokens with our newest games!

Congratulations, you’re a winner! The 22nd Play-to-Earn Games has just ended. You’re one of the lucky few to have won the grand prize. We hope you enjoy your winnings and we hope to see you back soon.

Thank you for being a member of the Play Games community! As a loyal member, your name has been entered into our Play-To-Earn prize giveaway. Just fill out your name and the email address you used to sign up and please expect an email shortly letting you know we have received your entry.

Thanks for choosing to build a game with Play! By purchasing these NFTs, you’ll save 40% on the total cost of development. To start, please visit and purchase some tokens!

Congratulations on the release of your new game “Play-To-Earn”! Check out the games on PlayPlayxy to earn exclusive in-game tokens.

Your account is successfully connected to the Town Star CryptoNFT game, as seen below. Town Star is a massive multiplayer game where you can trade in your Town Stars for real NFTs and earn a part of the Town Star Network value.

Hi! It was great to meet you and to start talking about joining our community of gamers and NFT enthusiasts on a new type of platform. We’ve added you to the membership list, so you should receive an invite link soon. If we don’t hear back from you, please know that the list is getting pretty long. We’ll leave the invite on our site for a bit.

Thank you for playing “Playxian”, the world’s first Ethereum NFT game. To get access to the Million Aboslute Giveaway, enter your email in the treasure chest. The Prize: 1M AST.

Thank you for your order and purchase of the nft game (GAME-4720133). It’s time to get to work and earn your currency. Expect your new game codes a day before the games launch!

Congratulations on playing at the new Play to earn these new fancy NFTs! This domain has been forwarded to you. These account has been deleted now.

We’ve got your NFT games to earn cryptocurrency! Get in quickly to learn more. Make sure not to miss out on the fun!


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